Monday, October 15, 2012

Yeah...Double D's I know what you're thinking...DINNER and Dazzle, yup that's exactly it. I love cooking, football  (RAVENS) and dazzling crafts. I have a puppy Baxter (Shout out to Ron Burgundy) and he will probably creep his way on here too. I started off just wanting to make a food blog but I'm into so much more than that. Shopping, saving, sneakers, coupons, restaurants, did I mention shopping? But I digress...what will I post next? Your guess is as good as mine? :) Check me out!

Buffalo Chicken Risotto

Risotto is one of those labor of love type foods. You can’t rush it but the creamy melt in your mouth taste is well worth the wait and the tired arm from all the stirring. Trust me.